• Fran Annaford

    Read the Starnberg Series and Escape into Authentic and Entertaining Erotic

    Lesbian Romance Literature

  • When the pandemic struck and Fran Annaford’s international career in the

    music and entertainment world was on hold, like many in isolation and

    boredom, she discovered a new hobby, one that has now become her calling.

    She has released an eight-book set of lesbian erotic tales, entitled The

    Starnberg Series.


    The collection of fast-moving novels is about the lives and loves of gay women

    working in the arts, primarily opera, theatre, and film. The setting for the romance

    literature is in Southern Germany and London.


    Fran knows well of the worlds she writes about, giving her books a certain

    authenticity and chemistry not often seen in this genre. Her books derive from her

    professional experiences and personal life.


    “I hope readers will fall in love with the characters who are often complex,” says Fran.

    “I hope they will enjoy the erotic scenes, and if the stories spark a fresh interest in the

    arts world, even better.”


    Indeed, readers will be moved and entertained by her passion-filled books, falling in

    love with certain characters and having a with you-are-in-the-bedroom feeling


    The eight books in the series are:


    If Time Were Not A Moving Thing

    You Don’t Own Me

    Give Me Time

    How Can I Be Sure?

    All I See Is You

    Stay Awhile

    Go Softly, Goodbye

    Yesterday when I was Young


    Despite what the author feels is rampant homophobia in the folk music world, where

    a part of her professional life has been spent, she feels it’s very important to publish

    these books about characters who discover their sexuality while having to confront

    keeping it a secret.


    Her books center around women discovering their sexuality and giving themselves

    permission to break boundaries and to pursue what their hearts tell them. The books

    are also about the pain and challenges that accompany relationships often involving

    disloyalty, heartache, and hurt. But also joy. The gripping, page-turning stories

    engage readers on so many levels, from the emotional and entertaining to the erotic

    and adventurous.


    The Starnberg Series begins with the love story between an operatic soprano and a

    pianist and conductor. Marie Nyman and Arabella Cooper continue to feature, either


    on the periphery or as major characters, in all seven of the following books. By the

    last volume, Marie is approaching the end of her singing career (a female opera

    singer's career is a short one), and the twins she shares with Arabella Cooper are in

    their late teens. Although Arabella carries the narrative in the first book, Marie's life is

    more fully explored in subsequent volumes. The Ice Queen character proves once

    again to be the most enduring. If any of my readers are at all into enjoying opera,

    they will recognize the parallels to the Marschallin in Richard Strauss opera, Der

    Rosenkavalier. And if they aren't, then I urge them to Youtube the third Act Trio. Few

    people can resist this sublime music, even if they never listen to classical music ever



    The opera is a lesbian favorite, featuring as it does the archaic tradition of

    cross-dressing. The male lover is played and sung by a woman, who is caught

    between her love of two other women. The frisson of seeing women onstage

    kissing... and more, and at the same time watching a legitimate opera almost

    certainly plays a part in the continued popularity of this piece. And it features heavily

    in my books, as does Mozart's Marriage of Figaro where we encounter another

    example of crossdressing and sex onstage.


    “I can only write about a world not many readers have ever experienced,” says Fran.

    “I often feature two interesting women who overcome adversity to fall in love. These

    books, in the end, are about the power of attraction and what we each have to do to

    overcome adversity in order to find our true happiness.”


    The books are available for sale directly from the publisher Austin Macauley and from

    Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Waterstones, WH Smith,Thrift Books, Google Books,

    Booktopia, Medimops, Fruugo DE, and iMusic.de.