Fran Annaford
About Fran
Fran Annaford is a new writer in the field of lesbian erotic romance The eight-book
collection, The Starnberg Series, was published by Austin Macauley in 2023 and 2024.
She has worked for some years in the entertainment industry, traveling extensively,
putting down roots in several countries before the nomadic life of freelancing in the
arts made her move on. The number of hotels in which she has stayed might be the
envy of people leading a more sedentary life as they dream of candlelit restaurants
and hotel bars boasting an array of exotic cocktails. The reality of packing and
unpacking suitcases, not to mention loading the car with coffee machines and other
kitchen equipment if the stay is longer, belies the romance. But Fran is aware that the
plus side exceeds the negative.
Meeting interesting people and discovering little local restaurants where the
grandmother still cooks, does compensate for hours spent queuing at check-ins and
customs, and lugging suitcases down to the boarding gate which always seems to be
the furthest one on the concourse. Or the trains which are late, and where a reserved
seat is taken, and the occupant refuses to move. Or not being able to park anywhere
near the rented apartment. Or mattresses so hard, the floor is softer. But hotel bars
often do offer exceptionally good cocktails.
At home, Fran enjoys cooking and loves to look after her animals. A little gentle
gardening is sometimes indulged in, but only a little. Being away so much means that
vegetable growing, which has been an interest at more stable moments, is not on the
cards. The pandemic saw some productive tomato plants climbing up a south facing
wall. Their ripe fruit was duly picked and tipped still sun-warmed into summer salads.
Covid changed Fran’s life. Having exhausted any further desire to lie on the couch
snacking on fattening ultra processed foods and watching mindless TV, she escaped
into the world of lesbian literature and wondered if she might be able to write them
Disregarding the desire to begin a book with the sentence, “Dorothy threw her date
stamp down in despair”, which is as far as she got with an attempt during her student
days, Fran began to bash the keyboard of her laptop, describing a situation with
which she was familiar. She found it hard to stop as she entered the lives of her
fictional characters. And since work has resumed, she manages to carve out some
relatively peaceful hours to continue creating, usually in the early mornings, after the
animals are fed and watered.
She lives and works in Europe.
Website created by Ben Feinblum Media
Books available from: Austin Macauley